It doesn't mean a knife hasn't been useful for other things, or offered some peace of mind, it's just that I could have always gotten by with a simple razor blade. Usually, when I pull out my knife it's to slice a block of cheese or cut cordage or rope. So far, regardless of what I've carried, a razor blade is all I've ever really needed. You'll probably see at least one hiker every day, and you'll never be more than a few days from a road or town, as long as you stick to the trail. You can use it to build shelter, light a fire, and procure food and water, but on a trail like the AT, it's not likely you'll need it for that. I agree that no tool is more useful in a survival situation than a knife. I suspect a lot of people will disagree with me on that, so for the record, I'm not saying there is zero risk in not carrying a proper knife. I've carried a few different types of blades on the trails: a multi-tool, lightweight pocket knives, serrated and non-serrated, and a fixed-blade knife, but lately, and more often than not, I just carry a razor blade in my matchbox. Nevertheless, when choosing gear, it is helpful to learn why hikers do what they do, so I'll stick to that. Although, to be fair, everyone wants to charge through the woods on the back of a green tiger.

If you like to play with knives, whittle, or want to split wood, your needs will be different than mine.

I mean, my He-Man fandom makes me want to ride a green armored tiger down the trail, so clearly we are all unique. When it comes to gear advice, it's hard to tell another backpacker what they should carry, because gear choices are relative to each hiker's preference. So, I would choose one knife and maybe consider letting the other people in your group carry the others. With 300 miles to go, I even sent my tent home to save weight. Me: Generally, anything redundant on a long-distance hike will end up being sent back home or chucked in a hiker box. I cut my toothbrush in half to reduce my pack weight, which I admit is ridiculous.

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